Academic degree
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Associate Professor
Organization unit
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
FFZG: C-319
Office hours
- Successful ageing: the development and validation of the integrated multidimensional model (2021. - 2023.)
- Affective cognitive training: neural, cognitive and behavioral effects (2020.-2024.)
- NEUROSHARE: Sharing tools and expertise in behavioural neuroscience (2020. - )
- Psychophysiological and neural determinants of neural plasticity in adulthood (2020. - )
- The neural architecture of consciousness (2019. - 2023.)
- The efficacy of neuromodulatory affective cognitive training (2018.)
- The role of unconscious processes and expectations in the functioning of working memory (2017.)
- The role of autobiographical memory as a function of age (2016.)
Key research interest
- Memory
- Intelligence and decision making
- Cognitive training
- Cognitive ageing