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MA in Applied Cognitive Science
Cognitive scientists are in demand
It is a well-known fact that cognitive scientists are in high demand because of their interdisciplinary skillset. Likewise, prospective cogsci graduates around the world are told that they can follow very diverse career paths, which is true. However, sometimes it can be challenging for students to “find their way”.
One of the guiding ideas in designing our program was to maximize on the interdiciplinarity and diversity of educational backgrounds of our students. Therefore, our program has three dimensions:
- disciplinary,
- interdisciplinary,
- and applied.
In addition to their interdisciplinary competences and skills, our students will learn how to collaborate and innovate, and how to communicate in business. The applied component is also present in the students’ project-based and problem-based work.
Finally, the work on designing the program was preceded by systematic work on two related standards - the standard of occupation and standard of qualification. This has greatly contributed to the program being rooted in market needs and insights from employers, entrepreneurs, and innovators.