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Biomedical signals and systems
Associate teachers
ECTS credits
Number of hours: Lectures + Seminars + Exercises
30 / 0 / 15
Course objectives
Students will become familiar with the interdisciplinary field of biomedical engineering. They will understand the basics of electrophysiology, the origin, measurement and properties of bioelectric signals and the methods of their processing and analysis. They will learn to look at the human body as a system and model electrophysiological processes in the human body.
Enrolment requirements and/or entry competences required for the course
Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes
- Apply specific knowledge and skills from selected disciplines constituting cognitive science.
- Participate in data-driven innovation projects and apply appropriate data science tools.
- Apply interdisciplinary approach in examining phenomena pertaining to cognition.
- Build communication channels and enable the flow of innovative ideas towards professionals employed in related scientific disciplines and industry.
- Employ diverse disciplinary tools in exploring and describing the nature of cognitive processes.
Course content (syllabus)
- The discipline of biomedical engineering, historical perspectives.
- The human body as a system. Homeostasis. Body as a control system.
- Cell and cellular mechanisms. Sensory receptors.
- Nervous system. Information transmission. Muscular system. Electromyography.
- Reflex arc. Central nervous system. Electroencephalography. Electroretinography.
- EEG and evoked potentials recording.
- Vibration somatosensory evoked potentials. Sternberg auditory memory experiment and cognitive evoked potentials. Voluntary movement evoked potentials.
- Midterm exam
- Circulatory system. Heart function. Electrocardiography.
- Blood pressure. Blood pressure measurement methods.
- Phonocardiography. Vectorcardiography. Respiratory system.
- Medical imaging systems. X-ray. Fluoroscopy. Digital subtraction angiography. Computed tomography.
- Gama camera. Single-photon emission computed tomography. Positron emission tomography. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
- Physiological Systems Modelling.
- Final exam
Student responsibilities
Class attendance. Independent work in seminars. Practical work in labs.
Required literature
- Arthur J. Vander (2001.), Human Physiology, Mc Graw Hill, N.Y., USA
- John Enderle, Ph.D., Joseph Bronzino, Susan M. Blanchard (2005.), Introduction to Biomedical Engineering, Academic Press
Optional literature
- Eugenijus Kaniusas (2012.), Biomedical Signals and Sensors I, Springer
- Eugenijus Kaniusas (2015.), Biomedical Signals and Sensors II, Springer
- Ante Šantić (1995.), Biomedicinska elektronika, Školska knjiga, Zagreb