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Information structure of the sentence: Syntax-semantics interface
Course teacher
Anita Peti Stantić, PhD, Full Professor
Associate teachers
ECTS credits
Number of hours: Lectures + Seminars + Exercises
15 / 15 / 0
Course objectives
Introduction to relevant linguistic problems related to the phonological, syntactic and semantic interface in realization of the information structure of a sentence. Training for the design of linguistic tests in order to determine the grammaticaliti and verify the sentence structure.
Enrolment requirements and/or entry competences required for the course
Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes
- Apply theoretical knowledge of the fundamentals of the six core disciplines and their relationship within cognitive science.
- Apply specific knowledge and skills from selected disciplines constituting cognitive science.
- Integrate insights, methods, and levels of analysis across different disciplines into a unified framework for understanding the human mind and cognition in general.
- Critically evaluate cognitive science findings and synthesize information to be employed in a collaborative professional environment.
Course content (syllabus)
- Introduction to the course structure and literature.
- Discussing linguistic levels and levels of linguistic analysis.
- Examining combinatoriality and rules of grammaticality.
- Assessment of grammaticality and sentence structure validity.
- Discussion on the syntactic and semantic components of sentence semantics.
- Examining the components of the information structure of a sentence.
- Analysis of the interface between phonological and syntactic elements in shaping the information structure of a sentence.
- Exploring the role of word order in sentence information structure.
- Analysis of the interface between semantic and syntactic elements in shaping the information structure of a sentence.
- Instructions for the seminar paper. Discussion on topics and methodology.
- Midterm exam.
- Examining the grammar of specific types of sentences with regard to the information structure of the sentence.
- Presentation of seminar papers and discussion.
- Presentation of seminar papers and discussion.
- Presentation of seminar papers and discussion.
Student responsibilities
Regular class attendance, submitted seminar paper before taking written exam
Required literature
- Jackendoff, R. (2002, 2009). Foundations of Language: Brain, Meaning, Grammar, Evolution. Oxford University Press.
- Lambrecht, K. (1994). Information Structure and Sentence form. Topic, focus, and the mental representations of discourse referents. Cambridge University Press.
- Selkirk, E. (2001). «The syntax-phonology interface.» International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, eds. N.J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes, 15407-15412. Oxford: Pergamon.
- Wedgwood, D. (2005). Shifting the Focus: From static structures to the dynamics of interpretation. Elsevier.
- Jana Willer-Gold, Boban Arsenijevic, Mia Batinic, Michael Becker, Nermina Cordalija, Marijana Kresic, Nedžad Leko, FL Marusic, Tanja Milicev, Nataša Milicevic, Ivana Mitic, Anita Peti-Stantic, Branimir Stankovic, T Suligoj, J Tusek, Andrew Nevins (2018) "When linearity prevails over hierarchy in syntax." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (3) pp. 495-500.
Optional literature
- Cecilia, H. (2018). Cognitive Gadgets: The Cultural Evolution of Thinking. The Belknapp Press of Harvard University Press.
- Arnold, Jennifer E. «Marking salience: The similarity of topic and focus» (unpublished article)
- Butler, Christopher S. (2005). «Focusing on focus: A comparison of Functional Grammar, Role and Reference Grammar and Systemic Functional Grammar.» Language Sciences 27 (2005) 585-618.
- Pereltsvaig, A. (2004). «Topic and Focus as Linear Notions: Evidence from Italian and Russian.» Lingua 114 (2004). 324-344.