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Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences University of Zagreb (FHSS) is the largest higher education institution in Croatia which carries out research activities and executes university programs in the field of humanities and social sciences, as well as a significant cultural institution with a great impact on Croatian culture and society.

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences is part of the University of Zagreb, the oldest university in Croatia and one of the oldest universities in Europe. All activities of the FHSS enhance the development of personality and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms. FHSS is organized trough departments (23) and chairs (125).

With a tradition of 150 years, the social role, importance and reputation of the Faculty are all a result of the commitment and dedication of its teaching staff and employees, as well as the quality and perspectives of its students.

Layout of the Faculty

The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences may seem confusing at first, but take a look at our maps with directions to most important places on the campus and you won't feel lost anymore!

FFZG: Main floor

The main floor of the faculty

On the main floor you can find the faculty administration and the dean's office. The dean's office is the common name for all supporting services at the Faculty. It consists of the dean's and vice-dean's offices, the secretariat, accounting, the lawyer's office, the order office, the department for postgraduate studies and doctorates, and the cashier's office.

The student service is the place where you enroll at the Faculty or for the next year of study, where semesters are tested and various certificates are issued for the exercise of student rights. The working hours of the student service are from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., and the break is from 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

You can also find a library that is organized at individual departments and institutes, and is intended for students, teaching staff and all employees of the Faculty as well as experts and scientists outside the Faculty.

FFZG: 1st floor

The first floor of the faculty

On the first floor there is the Department of Croatian Studies on the tract B and the Department of History and the Department of Art History on the tract C.

You can also find room A112 which is our main reading room.

FFZG: 2nd floor

The second floor of the faculty

On the second floor you can find the Departments of Slavic Studies and the Department of Comparative Literature on tract B.

On tract C you can find the Departments of Philosophy, the Department of Pedagogy and the Department of Sociology, and room A121a, which is a computer room.

FFZG: 3rd floor

The third floor of the faculty

On the third floor you can find a lot of content.

On tract B is the Department of Phonetics and the Center for Foreign Languages.

On tract C is the Department of Psychology. Section E houses the Departments of German Studies and Information Sciences.

Finally, tract F houses the Department of Romance Studies, the Department of Italian Studies and the Department of Classical Philology.